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Building muscle and melting fat reserves is theoretically quite simple: train hard, eat in a goal-oriented manner, regenerate properly. In practice, however, many amateur athletes have difficulties with this: They train regularly and eat according to plan, but muscle building and fat loss still don't really get off the ground. This is often due to the fact that the body lacks important activating substances. Sometimes it is also because the metabolism is not running as fast as it could, or that the hormone situation is not the best. Nutritional supplements - the collective term is "supplements" - can be an enormous help here: With the right supplements, athletes can accelerate their development progress enormously, regardless of whether the goal is "more muscle mass", "better athletic performance" or "fat-free body". Find out more about when you should buy which supplements!

Building muscle and melting fat reserves is theoretically quite simple: train hard, eat in a goal-oriented manner, regenerate properly. In practice, however, many amateur athletes have... read more »
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Building muscle and melting fat reserves is theoretically quite simple: train hard, eat in a goal-oriented manner, regenerate properly. In practice, however, many amateur athletes have difficulties with this: They train regularly and eat according to plan, but muscle building and fat loss still don't really get off the ground. This is often due to the fact that the body lacks important activating substances. Sometimes it is also because the metabolism is not running as fast as it could, or that the hormone situation is not the best. Nutritional supplements - the collective term is "supplements" - can be an enormous help here: With the right supplements, athletes can accelerate their development progress enormously, regardless of whether the goal is "more muscle mass", "better athletic performance" or "fat-free body". Find out more about when you should buy which supplements!

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Supplements: Training support "out of gut feeling"

Definition Supplements

Supplements are nutritional supplements that serve to promote further physical development, especially with regard to muscle building and athletic performance. They are available as pills, as tablets, as capsules, as powder for the preparation of mixed drinks or as premixed drinks.

According to EU law, the purpose of food supplements is to compensate for nutritional deficiencies or to promote certain physiological functions in the human organism. However, they are not intended to combat any symptoms of disease, and they are expressly not intended to bring about any change in physiological functions - in this respect, they are to be quite clearly distinguished from pharmacological products. In other words, supplements are not drugs, and they are not anabolic steroids. However, the distinction between supplements and anabolic steroids is not completely clear-cut: there are indeed supplements that influence or alter biochemical processes in the body and thus accelerate muscle growth or strength development - such as extreme muscle builder products. Some of these metabolically active supplements are therefore classified as banned substances by the World Anti Doping Association (e.g. prohormones and SARMs), while others are not (e.g. Turkesterone).

In any case, the field of supplements is so enormously vast that it is necessary to make a subcategorization. In the following, we therefore divide supplements into 3 categories:

  1. Basic Supplements 
  2. High-Performance-Supplement 
  3. Hardcore-Supplements


Basic supplements are nutritional supplements from which athletes of any performance level benefit, and which are accordingly useful even for training beginners. These include protein powders, protein bars, carbohydrate concentrates (such as weight gainers), vitamins and minerals

The best-known supplements for muscle building are undoubtedly protein powders and protein bars. Protein, colloquially known as "egg white", is the most important biological building material - every muscle consists of about 20 percent protein (the rest is mainly water). To build muscle mass, you need to supply your body with a certain amount of protein every day. How large this amount should be has been discussed in science for years - according to current research, the optimum is about 1.6 to 1.8 g per kilogram of body weight (see Morton et al. (2018) - British Jounral of Sports Medicine). However, many bodybuilders swear by even far greater amounts; in professional bodybuilding, protein intakes of well over 2 g up to 2.5 g per kilogram of body weight are not uncommon. It is obvious that it is difficult to absorb such amounts through normal food. Even very protein-rich foods such as meat or cheese hardly contain more than 20 g of protein per 100 g (chicken meat still contains 27 g per 100 g). A 90 kg athlete who wants to consume 2.2 g of protein per kilo of body weight per day would therefore have to eat 3 pounds of chicken meat - or optionally more than 3 kg of quark - to reach this amount. With protein powder, this is much easier: Very few strength athletes have a problem drinking a 0.5-liter protein drink with a protein content of about 30 g once or twice a day in addition to their normal diet.


With high-performance supplements, athletes who already have some training experience can "tickle" even more performance out of themselves. This does not mean that such supplements are only effective for experienced athletes - they are of course also effective for training beginners. However, training beginners make rapid progress even without special supplements, which is why it makes sense to limit yourself to basic supplements in the first year of training. High-performance supplements should be saved for later. 

High-performance supplements include amino acid products (such as BCAAs, EAAs, AAKGs, etc.), creatine in all forms, training boosters and supplements that promote recovery. Creatine is probably the most popular: When it comes to supplements for muscle building, creatine is at the top of the list, along with protein powder. Practically every supplement store has creatine in its range, and practically every strength athlete who has even a little idea about the subject takes creatine. So why is creatine not a basic supplement? First, because creatine - unlike protein - does not work equally well for every user (there are indeed "non-responders" who hardly benefit from creatin). Secondly, because creatine supplementation only has a significant performance-enhancing effect when a certain muscle mass is already present. Creatine draws water into the muscle cells and optimizes energy metabolism in the muscles - and the more muscle there is, the more pronounced this effect becomes. 

Training boosters play a special role among supplements, because they are not intended for regular or even daily consumption. Rather, they serve to increase training motivation and "tune" the body for maximum performance in the short term. This also explains why training boosters do not belong to the basic supplements or why they are not sensible for training beginners are sensible: Beginners should be able to motivate themselves for training even without boosters - and on the other hand, they should not yet push their limits in training. Anyone who wants to buy supplements as a beginner should therefore exclude booster drinks for the time being. For advanced athletes, however, boosters are an enormous help. Probably no athlete who has been on the iron for years can claim that he still goes to the dumbbells every day with fervor. With a booster, it's easier for old hands (and old hands) to get up the courage to train, regardless of how they're feeling at the moment.


Hardcore supplements only make sense for athletes who have very ambitious goals - such as participation in a competition or the extremely fast realization of a muscle-building project. For example, if you are a 1.80 m tall male 75 kg athlete who wants to look like bodybuilding as quickly as possible, you can hardly get around hardcore supplements: natural muscle building progresses only very slowly; you have to allow 3 to 5 years until you achieve a bodybuilding look. With hardcore supplements, on the other hand, this goal can be achieved within a few months. It is similar with fat loss: to expose a "six pack", the body fat percentage must be reduced to below 12%, which is hardly achievable for many men within one spring (for women even less). But hardcore supplements make it possible. 

Hardcore supplements primarily include extreme muscle builder products such as SARMs and prohormones. Since these influence the hormonal situation in the body, they are strictly speaking not food supplements at all in the sense of EU legislation, but pharmacological agents. Accordingly, Extreme Muscle Builders are not free of side effects. (Those who want to buy these supplements must therefore be reasonably willing to experiment, and they should know their bodies well). The main manufacturers to mention are Brawn Nutrition, Revange Nutrition and Core Labs X. The products of these brands work partly as well as anabolic steroids; however, they are by far not available in every supplements store.

Which supplements for muscle building?

In addition to protein powders, creatine products and carbohydrate products, it is primarily the extreme muscle builders that advance muscle building (as the name suggests). However, this does not only mean hormone-influencing preparations - also testo-boosters and turkesterone, which has become known as a "natural doping agent", count among them. Both testo-boosters, such as Maca powder or Tribulus Terrestris extract, and Turkesterone are completely harmless to health and are not considered doping according to the WADA list. While the muscle-building effect of Turkesterone has been scientifically proven by studies, the effect of Testo boosters is, however, controversial in the fitness scene. This is most likely because testo boosters are often advertised with false promises. They cannot raise an athlete's testosterone level above the natural level - but they can optimize the hormonal interaction in the body. Athletes over 30 in particular therefore benefit significantly from testo boosters.

Which supplements for weight loss?

Athletes who are primarily interested in fat loss have a wide range of diet/fat burner products to choose from in the dietary supplement sector. Plant-based products, such as green tea extract capsules or caffeine tablets, can be found in any supplement store. Extreme fat burner products, which contain psychoactive or CNS-stimulating substances, are about the opposite: They are only available in very well-stocked supplement stores. The advantage of the latter products is that they increase thermogenesis (i.e. they increase the body's energy consumption through increased metabolic activity), which results in weight loss very quickly. The disadvantage is that they are not well tolerated by everyone - they cause, among other things, sleep disturbances, rapid heart rate, and drowsiness, and they also put a strain on the circulatory system. People who suffer from high blood pressure or have a high risk of heart disease should not use such products.

Are there supplements for the brain?

The vast majority of supplements only affect the body - so they either promote muscle building or fat loss, or they increase physical performance. However, there are also supplements that have an effect on the brain or mind. Such supplements are called "nootropics". The term goes back to the ancient Greek word "noos", which means "mind". Nootropics cause the release of certain messenger substances (transmitters) in the brain that, for example, promote the ability to concentrate, increase memory or improve the ability to work with focus. Pupils and students as well as office workers and gamers can benefit from this effect. In sports where good coordination skills are important, such as gymnastics or game sports, nootropics can also improve athletic performance because they improve nerve impulse transmission in the short term. Incidentally, hardcore boosters, such as those marketed by manufacturers such as Psycho Pharma, Brawn Nutrition or NP Nutrition, represent a mixture of physically effective supplements and nootropics: On the one hand, they have a short-term performance-enhancing effect, e.g. by increasing the heart rate, and on the other hand they create a training "tunnel vision" that guarantees maximum focus.

Which supplements really do make sense?

The question of which supplements are really useful or which supplements you should definitely choose when you want to buy supplements cannot be answered in a general way. Depending on what goals someone is pursuing and what starting position he or she has, the answer will vary. Young people under the age of 25, for example, need neither testo boosters nor fat burners, and those who don't earn their money with their athletic appearance (i.e. are neither photo models nor fitness influencers) don't need extreme muscle builder products either. On the other hand, if you have set your mind on bench-pressing 180 kg once in your life, but after years of training you have not managed to get above 140 kg, you will certainly make a better deal by buying highly effective Extreme Muscle Builder products than by buying amino acid capsules. 

In general, meanwhile, you can stipulate the following:

  1. Protein powder, a good multivitamin supplement and a mineral supplement (such as ZMA) are the absolute "basics" - they are useful in any case.
  2. Creatine or Kre-Alkalyn has been proven to increase performance. Those who practice weight training not only for general health maintenance, but with a certain ambition, should definitely consider creatine supplementation.
  3. Training boosters are not absolutely necessary, but they make it easier for every athlete to stay disciplined during training - even if the motivation to train drops a little for a short time.
  4. Amino acids, nutrient optimizers, fat burners and testo boosters are only useful when there is already a lot of training experience or when an athlete at an advanced age still has ambitious goals.
  5. Extreme muscle builders and hardcore boosters are only useful for athletes who want to achieve above-average results and are literally tough. For pure recreational athletes, such supplements are rather not useful.

What should be considered when buying supplements?

If you want to buy supplements, you can do so today in any drugstore and even in some discount grocery stores - but you should then look very carefully at what is offered there in each case. Most products that are on the shelves in regional retail stores are overpriced or contain little active ingredient for the money demanded. Buy supplements in the best quality? For that you have to go to the Internet. And here you should not be blinded by the price: Yes, there are protein powder varieties that cost less than 15 EUR per kilogram - but such powders always have a high sugar or carbohydrate content. This is often over 20 percent, so that with a 2-kg bag of protein powder you actually buy only 3 pounds of protein and 1 pound of sugar. The biological value of cheap protein from the supermarket also leaves much to be desired: a protein powder with a high proportion of soy protein, for example, has a significantly lower value than a pure Whey protein. 

If you are interested in exotic supplements like Extreme Muscle Builder, Extreme Fat Burner and Hardcore Booster, you have to research very carefully on the net, because these products are only offered by specialized supplement stores. If you have discovered a trustworthy store that carries such products, you can consider yourself lucky. If this store then also has all the well-known supplement brands and manufacturers in its program, such as ESN, PEAK, Olimp, Haya Labs, Rich Piana 5% Nutrition, etc., then there is actually no reason to shop anywhere else at all.
